Sunday, August 17, 2008


We made it! After biking our final 90 miles on a glorious, beautiful Maine day, our team sailed into Bar Harbor Friday on the heals of a police escort, greeted by family members, friends, and locals alike at the town pier.
Over 4,000 miles from Washington to Maine; countless opportunities to share about Youth for Christ and the needs of young people; gifts given for the youth outreach projects from thousands of people from kids emptying their piggy banks, to cashiers and waiters, to churches, vbs groups, our own family and friends; wonderful host families and churches; potlucks, picnics, getting up at 5 a.m. day after day and plenty of sore muscles and tushes--we made it.
God has been extremely good to us and we have enjoyed his protection (only minor scrapes and bumps), great weather and care all along the way.
Our team was extraordinary. Only God could take such a motley crew of individuals (different ages, countries, personalities) and meld them into a team like ours--a team that never had major issues with each other and in fact, had a great time together.
Yesterday in Bar Harbor I saw a t-shirt that said "It seemed like a good idea at the time." In this case, it seemed like a good idea...and it was.
It is not over yet. People are still in the midst of traveling home and then there will be all the opportunities to share our message with people back home. Thanks to all of you who have been and are a part of this with us.

1 comment:

weeksi said...

wow, wow, wow! congratulations guys!