Monday, July 28, 2008

We're making progress! Today we passed through lots of Illinois cornfields, had an incredible meal and evening with our hosts in Cornell, IL and were even treated to some homemade chocolates. It is going to be hard to go back to eating normally after this experience! Last Saturday evening and our Sunday rest day were spent in Kewanee, IL where we were again treated wonderfully. Tomorrow it is on to Indiana.

At our presentation tonight someone asked our riders that come from out of the U.S. what is something from the experience that really stands out. Emma said it was the second day of our ride going from misty forests to three feet of snow on top of the mountains to desert all in one day. Jonny said it was the number of dead animals hanging on people's walls. Stuart said it was the consistent and gracious hospitality we have seen. He said he asked one woman why they would host us when really we are just strangers. She said, "Because you are our brothers and sisters in Christ." The connection is certainly evident and what a great family to be a part of.

Our team is doing well. Even the few of us who picked up some bug along the way seem to be recovering.

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