Monday, June 16, 2008

The Team Arrives

We are on the verge of leaving on this epic journey across America. To the right you can see the first leg of our ride.
Most of our riders have already arrived here in Anacortes with a few more scheduled to pull in today. This afternoon and evening we will all meet for the first time and do an orientation. There is a mixture of excitement, anxiety and perhaps unbelief that we are actually doing this.

Already, though, we have been able to talk about Youth for Christ and why we are doing this--and that is what this is all about.

We have learned a few things already, too. For instance, when the support van's low fuel light comes on (a van we leased for the trip), it is already too late! Had to already make one walk for fuel. Also, the trailer behind the van does not fit in airport parking! All the people behind me in the parking line were as thrilled as I was to learn that!

We are meeting lots of people and are looking forward to seeing what God has in store. Thanks much to everyone who is praying and supporting all of us on this trip.


Kandis said...

We're praying and rooting for you back at home in MN. This is a journey of a lifetime, and we pray for God's blessing through every single mile!! Kandis, Dave, DJ, Devan, and Dustin

Brad Friedlein said...

We didn't get a chance to talk again before you left. The Friedlein family is praying for you!!!